



The following are a sampling of projects in which I've served as director, writer, cinematographer and editor, unless otherwise noted.
If you wish to see a full reel, don't hesitate to contact me.


Talent Plus, Dirk Spindeldreher 

Dirk Spindeldreher is a legendary figure in the European hospitality industry and a champion of the Talent Plus science, first as a client partner and now as a business developer. He is the founder and director of wissenspark.

Created series of testimonials out of raw footage given to me taken from a phone. Mastered audio, color grading.

OUTLOOK Screen Test | Joann Herrington

Joann is an educator in Lincoln, Nebraska. She has decades of experience in both private and public education.

Part of a Screen Test series. Shot on a 50mm prime lens, these interviews employ storytelling and framing to create a moving, film portrait of the subject.

LOOK Food | Quinoa Three ways

The Outlook’s readership holds health in high esteem. This is part of a series of short, vegetarian recipe videos.

Day 2 | Pathfinder Camporee

Part of a short event documentary series on a youth scout-style campout in Custer, South Dakota.

Juan Acosta Screen Test (Prueba de CÁSting) 

Juan Acosta is a pastor for a primarily Spanish-speaking church in Kansas City, Missouri. The territory covered by Outlook Magazine includes a large population of Native, international, Hispanic and Black churches, schools and communities, which historically had been underrepresented in the magazine’s content, both digital and in print.

Within a few days, this video, completely in Spanish, became the post with the highest engagement ever for the Facebook site.

Hear THeir Voices Interview Series 

Part of a multi-camera interview series with experts in anti-Human Trafficking awareness and activism.

Talent Plus Green Team | Recycling 101 

Internal team focused on green initiatives within the office. First of a series of PSA videos focused on helping colleagues understand their options when it comes to making green choices.

Talent Plus Associate Learning Academy | Tau Pi

A fun video about our interns during the 2018-2019 school year. Intended for an internal audience.

Top Christian, part ii 

Part two of documentary following students in a community service project.

Student film. Written and directed by me, with editing help from Eric Bing, Andrew Binder.